Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving and such..

Hello everyone! Sorry it has taken me forever to update this! I went back to work about two weeks ago and things have been crazy! Davids new favorite things are his hand. He tries to stick the whole thing in his mouth and giggles like crazy after he sucks on it for a bit! I love seeing him change everyday!

This is tummy time with his hands in his mouth.

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun! It was David's first experience in his high chair and it was great to finally eat a meal without having to hold him the whole time!

He sat on the table and watched as we cooked up a storm.

He got to wear his adorable Thanksgiving bib too!
We got to eat dinner in peace as David tried to eat his toys on his tray!
And finally a half smile caught on camera!

Its so crazy to think that soon David will be 3 months old! He grow everyday and is getting heavier by the day! He is a little chunky monkey! He has been sleeping through the night for the last few weeks which has been a life saver for me! But like clockwork he is usually up by 6 or 6:30. If I'm lucky I can strech it till 7 or 7:30. He is the happiest baby in the morning and its our special time getting him ready for the day every morning! We sing and laugh while he gets dressed and changed! He is now in 3-6 month clothes and moving into 6-9 in a few things. We dont go back to the doctor until January but I will try to get him weighed before then!

Christmas will be here in the blink of an eye. I braved black friday this year to get David a few gifts and it was a zoo to say the least! I'm done with his gifts now its time to wrap them and get the tree all set up! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We love you all!
Hugs and Kisses! David and Michelle

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My big boy

Hello Everyone!

Yesterday was David's 2 month check up with Dr Vu. Yes, it meant he had to get the dreaded shots! And to make things worse he had to get 2 shots and an oral vaccine! But he braved it like a champ and didn't cry too much! He is huge! He is now 11 pounds 14 ounces and 23 1/2 inches long! Its almost time for him to start wearing size two diapers! He is becoming quite the little chunk! And is already wearing 3-6 month clothes! The picture below is the first time he sat by himself in his bumbo chair! The doctor said he has the head control of a 4 month old! Go Davey! In other news I will be back to work on Monday. Looking forward to having a little more routine in my life! School is almost over and I'm excited about it! Now I must learn to survive finals and work and David and maybe sometimes squeeze in some free time! But David is the best baby! Every night he sleeps a little longer and hopefully it will be through the night soon! I need the sleep for sure!

Love always,
Michelle & Little D

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ohh the Doctors

Yesterday David was supposed to go in for a hip ultrasound. Because he was breech they need to make sure that he doesn't have hip dysplasia. He had his first one at one month of age and they said it was slightly abnormal. But because he was so little they wanted him back for a follow up after he had grown and his muscles were formed better. My doctor told me to take him before his two month check up so I made the appointment. We get to the radiologists and he gets all undressed only to find out they wanted to wait another month! They think they can get a clearer picture in another month so we will have to go back! But I got this cute picture of him! His new favorite thing to do is stick his tongue out! He is getting so darn big and is smiling so much! He is now two months and two days old! WOW!
Michelle and Davey!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! We took David to a pumpkin patch the morning of Halloween and tried very hard to get some good pictures of him! He did not make it easy that's for sure. We finally managed to get a few of him looking at the camera. The best one I posted above for everyone to see. And yes I do believe he is drooling in it! :) He is a baby what can I say! Halloween night was a lot of fun. He was a pumpkin this year! His costume was actually a pair of jammies which made diaper changes a breeze! We dressed him up and took him out for a little trick-or-treating! Yes, I know he is way too young for the candy but there is no reason as his mommy I can't enjoy a few pieces myself! He was very awake the whole time but had to be carried the whole way, his stroller just wasn't doing it for him. He managed to fill up his whole candy bucket and he even went through his first haunted house! I don't think he really enjoyed the full effect of it though! He looked adorable and really seemed to enjoy the walk around the neighborhood, all in all it was a great night!

Love lots,

Davey and Michelle